Tuesday, 17 October 2017 @ 17-18h and 19-20h
1, Impasse du Château, L-4524, Differdange
- We will host two discussions. The first, from 17-18h, will focus on Stoicism and school work. The second, from 19-20h, on Stoicism and work more generally.
- A reception will follow the second discussion.
- Although not required, we would be grateful if you would let us know if you plan to attend.
- In keeping with the spirit of the week, the events presuppose no familiarity with the Stoics and focus on the practical application of their thinking to the topic of work, although we will welcome questions about living a Stoic life more generally. These events will very much be roundtable discussions, and not lectures.
- La présentation et la discussion seront en anglais; cependant, nous aurons des personnes présentes qui peuvent aider celles et ceux qui pourraient se sentir plus l'aise pour poser des questions ou faire des commentaires en français.
- This event is free and open to the public.
- Information about Stoic Week in general is available here.
- Massimo Pigliucci wrote a helpful introduction on "How to Be a Stoic."
About the Center: Founded in 1809, Miami University is one of the oldest universities in the United States. Located in Oxford Ohio, it hosts 17,720 students. Miami University has a center in Luxembourg: Miami University The John E. Dolibois European Center, which is located in Differdange Castle, has welcomed more than 10,000 students since its founding in 1968. Miami University has been recognized among other best public university of the United States.